Get human help
We seamlessly convert your books to the cloud, keeping your time and focus on your business.
Xero Accounting Software
We save your business money by sharing our exclusive discounts with you
Grow with us
We design a complete, bug-free solution using proven tools and add-ons to serve your business’s present and future needs.
Learn from our mentors
Online access to classes for you gain valuable knowledge on running a business
Understand your financials
We answer all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask
Start your business on the right foot
Step by step articles on how to set up your business in the cloud
Mental Health
Learn about how mindfulness and positivity can make a difference
Learn from our mentors
Online access to classes for you gain valuable knowledge on running a business
Start your business on the right foot
Step by step articles on how to set up your business in the cloud
Understand your financials
We answer all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask
Mental Health
Learn about how mindfulness and positivity can make a difference
Optimization Stage
Growth Stage
Access to exclusive knowledge base for startups and entrepreneurs
Design a cloud solution that fits your business’s needs
Share data with your dedicated Cloudmeb team
Save money on software you use with our partner discounts
Get the human help you need
Our catalogue of top business apps offers endless compatibility options to match your company’s process. Simply login and assemble.
Our community of certified professionals helps you securely reformat, clean up, and upload your data to your new cloud system.
Start gaining valuable insights on your business financials from real-time bookkeeping and unparalleled visibility on any device.
“I highly recommended for any small business, they cut the costs to the bone, and provide a hassle free service.”
“My experience with Cloudmeb is absolutely positive. The solution was beautifully designed and well documented. We were up and running in less than a week! ”
“Cloudmeb support is always quick to address any issues. They completely understand we can’t afford any down time and that’s what matters most.”
“Unique products, unique services – Cloudmeb not only produce a wonderful solution – They guide you through making it work for YOU!”